
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 7 June 2023 7.00pm

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby 


Members Present:

Cllrs Crump, Hillman (chair), Waller, I Willox and, J Willox



Cllrs Ashton Derry, Hewes, Meanwell, and Spurr


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Clerk

There were 13 members of the public in attendance, Cllr Brockway (district and county cllr), and Cllr Lee (district councillor).


Public Participation Session

  • A member of the public congratulated the cricket club on their new artificial pitch and fed back in relation to the 1940s event. They requested a set of field keys on behalf of the trustees. They thanked everybody who helped including the caretaker. They mentioned the pavilion bar going on a council agenda and arranging the Christmas lights switch-on. 
  • A member of the public spoke regarding agenda item 22 (ref FC122/23 – noting the traffic at junction on Mill Lane and A57 got worse and whether any consideration has been given to the Stirlin’s construction site and the impact this will have. It was noted the planning committee had fed back these comments on the planning applications.
  • A member of the public spoke regarding the issue with the ‘slip road’ onto the A57 and requested the road markings were changed to show it isn’t actually a slip road. 
  • A member of the public reported loose manhole covers the new Lindum’s estate entrance road. It was noted this has been reported to Highways. 



The chair opened the meeting.


FC101/23 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Ashton Derry, Hewes, Meanwell, and Spurr


FC102/23 Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr J Willox declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 16 (Ref FC116/23)


FC103/23 To approve the draft minutes from 3 May 2023, with the chair to sign and date. 

Resolved. An correction was added “a query regarding a point of public order was raised. It was dismissed by the chair” with Cllr Waller proposing the updated notes as minutes for 3 May 2023. This was resolved. 


19.21 Cllr Hillman suspended the meeting to allow Cllr Brockway (district and county councillor) and Paul Lee (district councillor) to speak as district and county councillors:

  • Cllr Brockway noted some stones/boulders are being put on grass verges and householders may be liable if a car is damaged.
  • Residents have requested a mirror at the Navigation Court/Bridge Street junction. Highways don’t’ approve mirrors. However, highways are going to do a full review the of Bridge Street area, as development has taken place since the last one. Cllr Hillman asked if the parish council would be involved? Cllr Brockway confirmed they would.
  • Issue raised regarding a missing hedge on a householders property that Lindum’s should have re-instated following being taken down when the development took place. The resident is in support of a hedge being planted and is waiting on Lindums.
  • There has been some fly tipping on private property and therefore district council won’t remove the items. 
  • It is understood that Anglian Water have not signed off pipework from the Lindums estate and meetings are taking place between parties currently to resolve some issues. 
  • Footpath to the burial ground from the Lovells estate is raised and not accessible for wheelchair users with a mound of mud at the end.


19.31 meeting re-opened


FC104/23 To review the action log

Ref 094/21 – remove reference to the former clerk.


FC105/23 To agree the 2023/24 vision, aims, and objectives and next steps for the four-year plan 

Resolved Cllr Hillman made a proposal to have a workshop to look in more detail at the proposals. This was resolved.


FC106/23 To ratify a planning committee recommendation Ref P23/027 for an updated scheme for the Saxilby Waterfront Public Facilities Refurbishment to include sustainability measures including solar panels

Resolved - Cllr Waller proposed to ratify a planning committee recommendation Ref P23/027 for an updated scheme for the Saxilby Waterfront Public Facilities Refurbishment to include sustainability measures including solar panels, with a proviso that the scheme needs to be looked at in more detail to ensure value for money as well as sustainability. This was resolved.


To review and approve council documents (annual review) 

FC107/23 Standing Orders 

Resolved - Cllr J Willox proposed to approve the Standing Orders V7.9. This was resolved.

It was requested to add to next agenda ‘to inspect any deeds and trust investments in the custody of the Council as required’ in-line with Standing Order 2xi


FC108/23 Financial Regulations 

Resolved - Cllr Crump proposed to approve the Financial Regulations V5.9. This was resolved. 


FC109/23 Code of Conduct and guidance (WLDC version based on national model code) 

Resolved - Cllr Hillman proposed to approve the Code of Conduct and Guidance. This was resolved. A laminated flow chart from the guidance was requested to be made available at meetings.


FC110/23 Members Register of Interests (members to review and report any changes) 

Resolved - All councillors noted the Register of Interests and their obligation to review and report any changes. 


FC111/23 Dignity at work – Bullying and harassment policy – NALC version

Resolved - Defer and bring back to the next meeting with Cllr Hillman to suggest amendments for consideration to tie in the policy with the code of conduct.


FC112/23 Grant Awarding Policy 

Resolved - Cllr I Willox proposed to approve the Grant Awarding Policy V3.4. This was resolved.


FC113/23 Risk Management Policy 

Defer and bring back to the next meeting with councillors to add any comments to the comments sheet. 



FC114/23 To agree a council trustee for Saxilby Village Hall charity 

Resolved - Cllr Waller proposed Cllr Hewes as a council trustee for the village hall charity. This was resolved. 


FC115/23 To agree [two] council trustees for Saxilby’s Recreation Ground charity 

Resolved - Cllr Waller proposed Cllr Hewes (who it was advised would stand down from as a ‘community’ trustee) if they became a council trustee for the recreation ground charity. This was resolved with four in favour and one abstention. Add on July agenda for another trustee.  


19.59 Cllr J Willox left the meeting 

19.59 One member of public left 


Finance and Risk 

FC116/23 To approve 2023/24 rates for facility hire and grounds maintenance 

Resolved - The following was resolved: 

1. Football teams at Mill Lane and the Recreation Ground: 

a. £525 per team playing on a senior 11-a-side pitch

b. £364 per team playing on a pitch under the 11-a-side pitch size

Proposed by Cllr Crump and resolved.


2. Cricket teams:

a. £400 per cricket team (11 players per team) corrected from £450

b. £327 per women’s softball team (8 players per team)

c. £250 per children’s team (understood to be 8-11 players per team depending on age)

Proposed by Cllr Waller and resolved.


3. That service agreements are also implemented for the cricket teams, comparable with the terms in the Mill Lane football agreement – and delegated to officers to implement, who will liaise with the recreation ground charity accordingly.

Proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved.


4. That the hire charge for the changing rooms is £240 per local club – bowls and tennis.

Proposed by Cllr Waller and resolved. 


5. That service agreements are implemented for use of the changing rooms by the local bowls and tennis clubs – and delegated to officers to implement, who will liaise with the recreation ground charity accordingly. 

Proposed by Cllr Crump and resolved. 


6. Floodlights charge remains at £5 per month to cover 10 hours and £0.40 per hour for any extra hours per month.

Proposed by Cllr Waller and resolved.


FC117/23 Review bank mandates and agree banking signatories for accounts 

Resolved Council reviewed the bank mandates. Cllr Hillman proposed to remove Cllr Cotton, and add Cllr Hillman and Cllr Crump. This was resolved. 


FC118/23 Agree actions for new custodian trustee bank account 

a. Agree signatories 

Item not considered; a separate custodian trustee meeting will be held.

b. Agree a payment of £500 into the new account (required to open the account) and agree to liaise with the charity to agree the source of these funds 

Item not considered; a separate custodian trustee meeting will be held.

FC119/23 Agree to dispose of assets no longer in use or broken 

Resolved Cllr Crump proposed officers dispose of items through sale where possible, seeking to obtain best value from their sale. Items: Large chest Freezer, speakers and disco lights in the upstairs function room, slush machine, tills, old ipad, coffee machine and grinder.

FC120/23 To ratify finance committee recommendation F23/022 to move to a new financial system for 2024/25 

Resolved Cllr J Willox proposed to ratify the finance committee recommendation F23/022 to move to a new financial system for 2024/25. This was resolved.


FC121/23 To agree capital expenditure for 

a. Library seating and table 

Resolved Cllr Hillman proposed to agree the expenditure in principle (as some may have become available from another library in the meantime, meaning expenditure may no longer be required if they are suitable)

b. Community centre rectangular tables and storage trolley 

Resolved Cllr J Willox proposed to purchase the rectangular tables and storage trolley (£1,621 exc VAT). This was resolved.



FC122/23 To consider correspondence regarding speeding on the A57 and agree actions 

Correspondence was considered. 

20.14 The meeting was suspended to allow the resident who sent the correspondence to speak.


20.19 The meeting re-opened.


Cllr J Willox proposed: 

1) 40mph signs are ordered for the A57 

2) Wheelie bin signs speed sticker for houses on the A57 ordered

3) Request fluorescent surrounds on the existing road signs

4) Request a reduction in speed limit near the A57 Saxilby junction 

This was resolved.


Closed Session

FC123/23 Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


14 members of the public left.


Resolved. Cllr Hillman proposed the meeting go into closed session. This was resolved.


FC124/23 To approve a quote for replacement windows at the St Andrews Community Centre (from the community centre ring-fenced fund). Deferred from last month

Resolved. Cllr Waller proposed all three options quoted for are progressed, with Unique plastics being selected as the contractor. This was resolved.


FC125/23 To agree to a quote for the new burial ground Groundwater Risk Assessment prior to land handover. Deferred from last month

Resolved. Cllr Hillman proposed Delta Simmons. This was resolved.


The meeting closed at 20.31pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.