
Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council

Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes

6.30pm Wednesday 1 May 2024 

Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby 


Members Present:

Cllrs Barratt, Hillman (chair), Roberts, Saunders, Waller, and I Willox


Members Absent:

Cllrs Ashton Derry, Crump, Hadjoudj, Hughes, Spurr, and J Willox


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Clerk


There were nine members of the public in attendance and Cllr Brockway (WLDC and LCC) and Cllr Lee (WLDC) were present.



The outgoing chair Cllr Hillman opened the meeting and the first item:


FC24/087 1. Elect the chair of the council

Having been proposed (Cllr Saunders) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED that: 

Cllr Hillman be elected as chair of the council.

Cllr Hillman signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 


FC24/088 2. Elect the vice-chair of the council

Two cllrs stood for the position of vice-chair. 

Having been proposed (Cllr Saunders) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED, with one abstention that: 

Cllr Saunders be elected as vice-chair of the council.


FC24/089 3. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Ashton Derry, Crump, Hughes, Spurr, and J Willox.

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED the: 

The reasons for absence were accepted for Cllrs Ashton Derry, Crump, Hughes, Spurr, and J Willox.


FC24/090 4. To consider granting dispensation requests, these having been submitted in writing to the proper officer before, or at the start of, the meeting

None received.


FC24/091 5. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None declared. 


FC24/092 6. 15 Minute Public Participation Session with respect of business on the agenda only

To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of the public 

No discussion or debate will take place on any representation or statement made. Council may discuss the comments when it formally considers that item of business, debates the matter, and makes a decision on the matter. Three minutes per member of public or organisation.


Cllr Hillman introduced the public participation session. 


Cllr Brockway requested permission to speak which was granted by the chair. Cllr Brockway passed on her personal thanks to the grounds team for their service which was “above and beyond” and felt it was important to recognise those people [grounds and grave diggers] as they are often forgotten. 

No members of the public spoke. 


FC24/093 7. Receive a district and county councillor update (verbal) 

Cllr Brockway 

WLDC are withdrawing a lot of the legal action over the government seeking to provide accommodation for those seeking asylum at Scampton, where the government is reducing the number of asylum seekers who will be based at the site. She noted cllrs have been denied a vote on the matter, as it has been delegated to the chief executive and the council leader. An extra-ordinary private meeting with regards to the matter has been held at WLDC. 


A resident has been in touch regarding Northfield Rise path slipping. Cllr Brockway has been looking into the matter.


Cllr Lee

Large black bins can be hired on an ad-hoc basis for items that normally go in black bin for £60 and booked online. These can be used for black bin waste (not as a skip).


WLDC has developed a cultural strategy and a cultural officer is being recruited. There are concerns whether this will benefit just Gainsborough or all of WLDC. Once the officer is recruited, Cllr Lee is looking to discuss with the officer, what the strategy can mean for Saxilby. 


FC24/094 8. Note the action log



FC24/095 9. Note the resignation of Cllr (Peter) Hewes



FC24/096 10. Note the resignation of Cllr (Sheila) Hughes as a council elected representative on the committee of management of Saxilby Recreation Ground



FC24/097 11. Update on the D-Day 80 commemoration event and agree expenditure items

Having been proposed (Cllr Saunders) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED to: 

Note the report and

1. Purchase a D-Day 80 Flag 

2. Purchase a commemoration tree in principle if a location can be identified

3. Purchase a peace lamp (£55) for the commemorations 

4. Agreed expenditure within the budget to purchase food and refreshments for the commemorations

5. For Cllr Saunders and Cllr Hillman to attend the next meeting on Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 4.30.pm


FC24/098 12. Agree next steps for the family fun day (WLDC retail grant funded event) and for the event arrangements to sit under planning and development committee going forwards

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to: 

Note the report and agree to the event outline in the background paper with officers to progress and provide a monthly update to the planning and development committee for: 

1. A family Fun Day on Saturday 31 August (Saturday 7 September – reserve date if poor weather), on Saxilby Recreation Ground with entertainment.

2. Music by the Waterside, Sunday 15 September, Saxilby Waterfront picnic area and pocket park


FC24/099 13. Agree the yearly review schedule for council policies, procedures, and asset register 

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED to: 

Agree the yearly review schedule for council policies, procedures, and asset register


FC24/100 14. To approve co-option application(s)

a. Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr I Willox), it was RESOLVED to: 

Co-opt Emma Bowden onto the council.


b. Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to: 

Co-opt Paul Bridge onto the council.


FC24/101 15. Note correspondence from a resident regarding funding and support for local sports clubs and agree next steps

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Saunders), it was RESOLVED that: 

Council notes the correspondence from a member of the public and agrees to the following actions 

to support the sustainability of sports clubs in the community:


1. Invite applications for council funding (via s137 grant) for 2024/25

2. Invite the sports association/clubs to liaise with the council to discuss 2025/26 and share

items/projects which they would like council to consider as part of their budget setting process

3. Voluntary Services at West Lindsey have offered support for capacity building and funding. 

Council to arrange a meeting should the member of the public/clubs/association want to take up this offer

4. Active Lincolnshire may be able to offer support. Council to seek to arrange a meeting should the member of the public/clubs/association want to take up this offer

5. Clerk to share any further grants which they become aware of


Finance and Risk


FC24/102 16. Approve a s137 grant application for Saxilby with Ingleby Good Neighbour Scheme (SIGNS) for insurance

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED: 

To approve the s137 grant application for Saxilby with Ingleby Good Neighbour Scheme (SIGNS) for insurance for £201.60.


FC24/103 17. Review the recreation ground project list and agree actions: 

The project list was reviewed. Two errors were noted, with the clerk to correct:

1. Delete “charity to apply rate relief” 

2. 59d correct “FIT” to “Charity Commission” 


a. Note surveyor condition survey and roofer survey on St Andrews Community Centre 


Roofer survey pending and will be tabled at next full council.


b. Note submission to Land Registry of RX4 and CX1 forms by Fields in Trust following deed termination



c. Note Saxilby AFC have agreed to accept the offer of football goals and clerk to arrange sign over

Noted. The location of goals was flagged by the annual inspection report. Clerk to remind club of the concern. 


d. Note Saxilby Recreation Charity have agreed to accept the offer of benches and clerk to arrange sign over



e. Council confirm they do not intend to lease the area with the old swings in and write to Saxilby Recreation Charity to agree interim arrangements until the equipment reaches the end of its life

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to: 

Confirm council do not intend to lease the area with the old swings in and to agree interim arrangements with the charity.


FC24/104 18. Approve Full Council meeting notes as minutes and the chair to sign for 03 April 2024 

Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr I Willox), it was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to: 

Approve 03 April 2024 Full Council meeting notes as minutes and the chair to sign. 


19.05 Two members of the public left. 


Annual parish council items (Standing Order 2)


FC24/105 19. Review of delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff, and other local authorities

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED: 

To note the annual review of delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff, and other local authorities which are contained in the standing orders, financial regulations, and terms of reference, and are reviewed at least annually. 


FC24/106 20. Review of: 

a. Representation on, or work with, external bodies and arrangements for reporting back 

Clerk to share old CRT agreement. 

Item deferred until next meeting to include additional items. 


b. The council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies 

Having been proposed (Cllr I Willox) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED: 

To approve council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.


c. Arrangements (including legal agreements/SLAs) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies, and businesses

i. Confirm highways cutting for 2024/25

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED: 

To confirm the acceptance of the LCC highways cutting grant for 2024/25.


ii. Confirm the library grant for 2024/25

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Hillman), it was RESOLVED:

To confirm the acceptance of the LCC library hub grant for 2024/25.


FC24/107 21. Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED: 

To confirm arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks.


FC24/108 22. To agree the date of ordinary meetings and committee meetings up to the next annual meeting of the council and agree for this arrangement to continue going forwards

Having been proposed (Cllr I Willox) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED: 

To approve the dates for ordinary meetings and committee meetings for 2024/25 and council to adopt the meeting pattern going forwards – clerk to update standing orders accordingly. 


FC24/109 23. To inspect any deeds and trust investments in the custody of the council as required

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr I Willox), it was RESOLVED: 

That the deeds in custody of the council had been read by councillors. 

Cllr Waller requested the indenture for clarification of council responsibilities in relation to the village hall. 


FC24/110 24. Appointment of councillors to existing committees

Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Saunders), it was RESOLVED:

To set aside Term of Reference 1.8 to permit eight councillors to be appointed to the planning and development committee who stood, rather than the seven that is currently in the Terms of Reference.


Having been proposed (Cllr Saunders) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED:

To approve the following committee membership:



FC24/111 25. Review of the Council’s expenditure incurred under s137 of the Local Government Act 1972 

The 2023/24 expenditure incurred under s137 of the Local Government Act 1972 was noted. 

The information is publicly available on the website.


All members of the public, Cllr Brockway, and Cllr Lee left.


FC24/112 26. Closed session. Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED to:

Go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


Cllr Hillman reminded cllrs no recordings should be made in closed session. 


FC24/113 27. Agree quotes for tree work following annual inspection 

Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED to:

1. Proceed with the quote from Daniel Elmhirst for the council tree works and to discuss with the tree surgeon the level of urgency (risk level) with being nesting season 

2. To plant replacement tree(s) where any trees had to be felled for safety

3. To write to the Saxilby Recreation Ground Charity to inform them of the trees which require safety works on their land, sharing the relevant report items, to see if they are prepared to carry out the works and have the funding to carry out the works, and request a response in seven working days 


FC24/114 28. Agree a quote for a consultant to undertake a feasibility study regarding leasing the community centre (Ref FC24/062 5.(2))



FC24/115 29. Agree heads of agreement for Saxilby Recreation Ground ‘outdoor’ leases 

Deferred to next month pending a response from the council’s solicitor. 


FC24/116 30. Consider an invoice for a historical interim rental payment for the community centre for 2022/23

Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED to:

Send a holding reply to the charity whilst legal advice is sought. 


FC24/117 31. Consider a request for income from the clothes bin for September 2021 to March 2024

Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED to:

Send a holding reply to the charity whilst legal advice is sought. 


The meeting closed at 20.16pm

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.