
Full Council Meeting Minutes

7.00pm Wednesday 1 November 2023 

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby 


Members Present:

Cllrs Crump, Hadjoudj, Hewes, Hillman (chair), Meanwell, Roberts, Spurr, Waller, J Willox and, I Willox



Cllr Ashton Derry


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Clerk

There were three members of the public in attendance and Cllr Lee (district councillor). 


The chair thanked everyone for attending and welcomed new councillors Cllr Hadjoudj and Cllr Roberts and thanked councillors, district councillors, and officers for all their work during the recent floods.



FC180/23 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

RESOLVED: Apologies were received from Cllr Ashton Derry. The reasons for absence were accepted. This was proposed by Cllr I Willox, seconded by Cllr Waller and resolved.


FC181/23 Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

a. Cllr Meanwell declared a non-pecuniary interest on agenda items 14a and 14b. An exemption request was submitted for item 14a and 14b until the end of the cllrs term to take part in project list discussions but not vote.

b. Cllr Hewes declared an other registerable interest on agenda items 14a and 14b. An exemption request was submitted for item 14a and 14b until the end of the cllrs term to take part in project list discussions but not vote.

c. Cllr Hillman declared a personal interest in agenda item 4 - Ref FC183/23.

The dispensations were considered together. 

RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed the dispensations were granted for agenda 14a and 14b to take part in the project list item until the end of the councillors term. Cllr Crump seconded the motion, and it was resolved with Cllr Hillman requesting a recorded vote: Cllrs Crump, Hadjoudj, Hewes, Meanwell, Waller, I Willox, J Willox voted ‘for’. Cllrs Hillman, Roberts, and Spurr voted ‘against’. 


FC182/23 To note the action log

Council noted the action log. 


FC183/23 Review and approve co-option application(s)

Co-option application from C.Barratt 

19.17pm. Cllr Hillman left the meeting 


Cllr Spurr proposed Cllr J Willox to chair the agenda item (as no vice-chair present), Cllr Crump seconded the motion. This was resolved. 

Cllr Roberts proposed C.Barratt’s co-option. Cllr Crump seconded the motion. This was resolved with two abstentions.


19.19pm Cllr Roberts left the room to invite Cllr Hillman back in the room. 

19.20pm Cllr Roberts and Cllr Hillman returned.


FC184/23 Agree committee membership for co-opted councillors

Cllr Roberts requested to go on the personnel and finance committees. Cllr Hillman proposed the request. Cllr J Willox seconded the request, and it was resolved.


FC185/23 To agree to move the January Full Council meeting to 10 January 2024

Cllr Spurr proposed the motion. Cllr Waller seconded. The date change to 10 January 2024 was resolved. 


To review and approve council documents/processes


FC186/23 Review draft budget and provide feedback for finance committee

The draft budget was reviewed and feedback from councillors given:

a. Risks are from inflation and staff wage increases – there may need to be a rise in precept to cover this. 

b. Savings to the budget - the final PWLB loan is now paid off 

c. Add in budget for volunteer’s refreshments 

d. Capital Expenditure have we got enough?

e. Increase legal/survey fees budget

f. Need to be mindful of minimal increases as possible so minimum impact on residents


FC187/23 Safeguarding policy (annual review)

RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed to approve the new policy with the amendments below. Cllr I Willox seconded, and this was resolved. 

a. Update paragraph 4b to delegate authority to the clerk on making DBS decisions, conferring with the chair if required

b. Add contact details for reporting any concerns 

c. Add in good practice to inform the family if making a referral 


FC188/23 Exhumation policy (bi-annual review) 



FC189/23 Burial Ground Regulations (annual review)  



FC190/23 Memorial Testing Policy (bi-annual review) 



FC191/23 To note correspondence and agree any actions required - local police priorities 

Noted. Invite to next council to meet councillors.


FC192/23 To consider a request for temporary (fixed) goal posts on the MUGA

RESOLVED: Council supported the idea. They noted they had been fixed to the ground already, but some aspects need to be worked through. Cllr Hewes proposed, Cllr Meanwell seconded, and it was resolved for officers to arrange a meeting with the requestee to discuss the things raised at the meeting. 


FC193/23 To review the recreation ground project list and agree actions in the list including 

a. Approve the Fields in Trust Deed of Dedication termination

Cllr Waller proposed to defer to allow council to take, receive, and consider legal advice on the deed of dedication termination. This was seconded by Cllr Spurr and resolved. 

b. Approve the draft apportioning model (2021/22) and share with the recreation ground charity

Cllr Waller proposed, Cllr Crump seconded, and it was resolved to approve the draft apportioning model and share with the recreation ground charity. Three councillors abstained.


Consider feedback from West Lindsey District Council regarding the retail grant and agree FC194/23 response 

Cllr Hewes put forward the proposal in the background paper, Cllr Hillman seconded, and it was resolved for officers to provide more detailed costings for WLDC to seek to secure available funding by 3 November 2023 for the parish.


FC195/23 To note the district and county councillor update report

District Councillor Lee provided a verbal update:

  • The judge for the judicial review for the Home Office’s use of RAF Scampton to house asylum seekers has reserved judgement so a decision has not been given at this point.
  • Flooding in the community – Sykes Lane was closed informally to try and stop residents houses taking in more flood water. There was some conflict and road rage with drivers. A meeting with LCC was discussed to consider arrangements going forwards and a debrief. 
  • West bank also had a burst water main during the flood, with Anglian Water doing a good job responding. Sir Edward Leigh also visited West bank during the floods.


FC196/23 Approve 4 October 2023 notes as minutes and for the chair to sign

Cllr Crump proposed, Cllr I Willox seconded, and it was resolved to approve the notes as minutes with one correction ‘September’ to ‘October’. 


FC197/23 Consider public participation at meetings and agree process

The following recommendations were agreed:

1. Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council continues to holds a public participation session.

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Hewes, seconder Cllr Hadjoudj. Resolved.


2. Public participation sessions are held for full council and planning committee, with terms of reference to state if public participation sessions are held for committees or working groups, if so requested by the committee/working group going forwards

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Waller, seconder Cllr Meanwell. Resolved.


3. Public participation sessions are with respect to items on the agenda only.

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Spurr, seconder Cllr Hillman. Resolved.


4. Where a member of the public wishes to communicate about business relating to an item not on the agenda it is proposed (as per NALC guidance) they communicate with the council in alternative ways e.g. by written correspondence to the clerk or attending councillors’ surgeries held monthly at the village hall.

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Spurr, seconder Cllr Crump. Resolved.


5. Standing Orders revert to the standard [NALC] public participation ones and are used to manage the sessions.

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Waller seconder, Cllr Meanwell resolved


6. Include the public participation session within the agenda and minute accordingly.

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Spurr, seconder Cllr Crump. Resolved.


7. Define the public participation agenda item (as below):

“Public participation session with respect of business on the agenda only

To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of public

No discussion or debate will take place on any representation or statement made. The council may discuss the comments when it formally considers that item of business, debates the matter, and makes a decision on the matter.”

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Spurr, seconder Cllr Waller. Resolved.


8. Provide guidance online and at meetings (see appendix)

RESOLVED: Proposer Cllr Waller, seconder Cllr Spurr. Resolved.


9. Council invitees to speak on an agenda item – further clarification may be required – clerk to add to agenda and report back.


FC198/23 15 Minute Public Participation Session 

To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of public 

No discussion or debate will take place on any representation or statement made. Council may discuss the comments when it formally considers that item of business, debates the matter, and makes a decision on the matter. Three minutes per member of public or organisation.

  • A parishioner fed back on the Christmas Lights Switch-On event arrangements and that there is currently an issue with getting a bank account open in time.
  • Westbank flooding continues to be an issue.
  • A question was asked whether the Christmas tree will be in its usual place. It was confirmed it would and a thank you letter was requested to be sent to the resident who provides electricity for the Christmas tree. 
  • A parishioner noted someone cleaned around the tennis courts but left the waste on site at the recreation ground – a charity trustee noted they had requested permission to carry out the works and leave the waste on-site. 


3 members of the public left and Cllr Lee. 


Closed session 

FC199/23 Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Cllr Spurr proposed to go into closed session, Cllr Waller seconded the motion. It was resolved. 


FC200/23 To consider and approve a fire doors quote for the community centre 

No decision required, as devolved to officers.


FC201/23 To consider and agree a quote for a fire alarm system at Mill Lane 

Cllr Waller proposed Lincoln Security, in-line with financial regulations 11aii, Cllr Spurr seconded and it was resolved. 

It was noted to add the ongoing service costs to go into 2024/25 budget.


The meeting closed at 20.50pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.