
Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council 

St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP

Wednesday 4 October 2023


6.45pm Full Council Meeting 


Council Meeting

1. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting

2. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 

3. Note the action log


To review and approve council documents/processes

4. Data protection policy (annual reviews)

5. Safe guarding policy (annual reviews)

6. To consider public participation at meetings and agree process


7. To note correspondence and agree any actions required

8. To review Saxilby New Burial Ground Tier 1 Ground Water Risk Assessment and agree next steps

9. To consider and agree two co-option applications 

10. Agree to pay councillor expenses for the purchase of paint

11. Review the libraries change in opening hours)_

12. To agree to Saxilby C of E Primary School’s request to use Mill Lane Sports Facility for Staff parking whilst building work takes place on site 

13. To note the completion of the tennis grounds actions agreed 

14. To agree a third and fourth council trustee for Saxilby Recreation Ground Charity 

15. To note the district and county councillor update 


Finance and Risk

16. To review the recreation ground project list and agree actions in the paper including 

a. Approving the Fields in trust quote

17. Annual review of internal audit and agree auditor 

18. To agree to allocate expenditure to capital expenditure and community centre improvement ear marked reserve 

19. Approve annual insurance quote (retrospective)

20. Consider grant applications from community groups including

a. Saxilby Mystery Group 

b. Saxilby WI

c. Christmas Light Switch on Organisers Group

21. Approve a WLDC Large Village Retail Fund grant application planning committee recommendation

22. Approve the grant application to Locality to continue the Neighbourhood Development Plan Review, including Character Assessment, Housing Needs Assessment and design code (retrospective)

23. Note the annual Community Infrastructure Levy report for submission to WLDC 

24. To agree a Saxilby Waterfront Working Group request for £250 from the street maintenance budget towards a bench 

25. To agree a request for a bench in the play area and agree budget 

Approval of notes as minutes and for the chair to sign:

26. 5 July 2023 

27. 6 September 2023 


Closed session 

28. To consider fire door quotes (action in community centre fire risk assessment) and agree whether to complete those actions in this financial year or budget for 2024/25 


Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

29 September 2023


8.30pm 15 Minute Public Participation Session (Following Meeting)