Full Council Meeting Minutes
7.00pm Wednesday 4 October 2023
St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby
Members Present:
Cllrs Hewes, Hillman (chair), Meanwell, Waller, and J Willox
Cllrs Ashton Derry, Crump, Spurr, and I Willox
In Attendance:
Lydia Hopton, Clerk
There were six members of the public in attendance and Cllr Brockway (county and district councillor).
FC152/23 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.
RESOLVED: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Ashton Derry and I Willox and resolved.
FC153/23 Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr Meanwell agenda item 16, Ref FC167/23 non-pecuniary – recreation ground
Cllr Hewes agenda item 16, Ref FC167/23 (some sections) non-pecuniary – recreation ground
Cllr Hillman non-pecuniary and other registerable interest in agenda item 20a Ref FC171/23 – Saxilby Mystery Group
FC154/23 To note the action log
Council noted the action log.
To review and approve council documents/processes
FC155/23 Data protection policy (annual review)
RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed, Cllr J Willox seconded the reviewed document, and it was resolved to approve.
FC156/23 Safe-guarding policy (annual review)
Deferred to next month’s agenda.
FC157/23 To consider public participation at meetings and agree process
Deferred to next month's agenda.
18.55 A member of the public arrived.
FC158/23 To note correspondence and agree any actions required
Share correspondence and officer to respond based on feedback received.
FC159/23 To review Saxilby New Burial Ground Tier 1 Ground Water Risk Assessment and agree next steps
• Request executive summary to be added and bring back to full council, along with next steps, including taking on the land and burial ground development steps required
• Further investigation is required to identify the location of the septic tank and the field drains
FC160/23 To consider and agree two co-option applications
a) RESOLVED: Cllr Meanwell proposed the co-option of Salim Hadjoudj. This was seconded by Cllr Waller and resolved.
b) RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed the co-option of Paul Roberts. This was seconded by Cllr Waller and resolved.
FC161/23 Agree to pay councillor expenses for the purchase of paint
Item withdrawn by the councillor.
FC162/23 Review the libraries change in opening hours
RESOLVED: Cllr Hewes proposed the recommendations in the paper - to note the report and consider whether to increase provision to five days a week, as part of the budget setting process during autumn. Cllr Meanwell seconded this, and it was resolved.
FC163/23 To agree to Saxilby C of E Primary School’s request to use Mill Lane Sports Facility for Staff parking whilst building work takes place on site
RESOLVED: Cllr Hewes proposed the paper recommendations below to approve the staff parking request subject to the following conditions
1. A satisfactory response being received from the insurance company for insurance cover
2. Landowners of the access lane being supportive of the request
3. A H&S/risk assessment by LCC and any remedial actions being implemented, such as white lining to separate pedestrians and cars to reduce any identified risks
4. A nominal annual hire charge of £525 (circa £10 per week)
5. Notify football club for their input to prevent any timing clashes etc
An addition was proposed by Cllr Waller to add “6. the restoration of the car park to its original condition at the end of the usage period”. This was seconded by Cllr Meanwell.
Cllr Hillman suggested photos were taken before uptake of usage.
Cllr J Willox proposed an addition to the above recommendation for a nominal charge of ‘£20 per week’ this was seconded by Cllr Waller. The conditions (1-6) and final addition were resolved.
FC164/23 To note the completion of the tennis grounds actions agreed
FC165/23 To agree a third and fourth council trustee for Saxilby Recreation Ground Charity
No nominations. Bring back to full council next month.
FC166/23 To note the district and county councillor update
Cllr Brockway to circulate a written update and clerk to add online.
Finance and Risk
FC167/23 To review the recreation ground project list and agree actions in the paper including setting aside the deed of dedication
1. RESOLVED: Full Council agreed to accept the recommendation to refer to the finance committee the item to identify the budget to cover the cost to null the agreement and to contact the council’s insurer to see whether insurance cover will pay for the cost of the termination of the agreement. This was proposed by Cllr Waller
2. Review of queries regarding assets – the play area swings (bar side) and flagpole to remain on council asset register and council to maintain – add JPAG permission to occupy to project list
3. Handover of keys to charity for assets – close action and list which keys handed over
4. Memorial bench – put maintenance agreement in place - add JPAG permission to occupy to project list
5. Picnic tables and goals – put maintenance agreement in place - add JPAG permission to occupy to project list
6. Bring back to council handing over football goals on the recreation ground to the football club
7. Salvation Army clothing bin – obtain a position on this from the charity
8. Apportioning - Finance committee to review then bring back to full council to sign off and share with charity, to close out internal auditor action
FC168/23 Annual review of internal audit and agree auditor
RESOLVED: Cllr Hillman proposed for Sandra Waller to continue to be the internal auditor. This was seconded by Cllr Waller and resolved.
FC169/23 Agree to allocate expenditure to capital expenditure and community centre improvement ear marked reserve.
Full Council noted the report and agreed to use the:
a. Community Centre Improvement Fund for improvement works in the meeting room and entrance/bar area.
RESOLVED: This was proposed by Cllr Hewes, seconded by Cllr Hillman, and resolved.
b. Capital Expenditure budget for an additional camera to provide CCTV coverage of the entrance and to provide a computer and monitor for the apprentice
RESOLVED: This was proposed by Cllr Meanwell, seconded by Cllr Waller, and resolved.
FC170/23 Approve annual insurance quote (retrospective)
RESOLVED: Cllr Meanwell proposed the insurance renewal quote. This was seconded by Cllr Hillman and resolved.
FC171/23 Consider grant applications from community groups:
a. Saxilby Mystery Group
Applied for £250 towards the update of the village map at the village hall.
Cllr Hillman declared an other registerable interest in the agenda item. However, this would result in being inquorate for the item. A dispensation was therefore suggested.
Cllr Waller proposed the dispensation for Cllr Hillman to take part in the item . This was seconded Cllr J Willox and resolved.
The chair asked members of the public not to talk while the council is having a meeting. A member of the public interrupted the meeting replying ‘we talk very quietly’. The chair replied ‘no, we are trying to concentrate on the meeting at the moment’
RESOLVED: Cllr Meanwell proposed £250 towards to update of the village map, Cllr Waller seconded this and it was resolved.
b. Saxilby WI
Applied for £300 for a projector
Cllr Waller declared a non-pecuniary interest
RESOLVED: Cllr Meanwell proposed a grant of £300 for a projector, with a quote being requested as part of the grant condition, Cllr J Willox seconded the motion, and it was resolved. There was one abstention.
c. Christmas Light Switch on Organisers Group
Applied for £693 towards insurance cover and a road closure.
RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed, and Cllr Meanwell seconded to agree in principle £500 out of the Christmas lights switch-on budget based on the following conditions – the grant is paid into a bank account for the group; there are SIA qualified marshals to man the road closures; WLDC event safety group is notified to support the group as public safety is paramount; insurance cover - numbers attending is increased; a signed copy of the constitution is shared; and to meet with the group to discuss working through the conditions. This was resolved.
FC172/23 Approve a WLDC Large Village Retail Fund grant application planning committee recommendation.
RESOLVED: Cllr Hillman proposed, Cllr Waller seconded, and it was resolved for the clerk to apply for the Large Village Retail Fund grant as per the planning committee recommendation.
FC173/23 Approve the grant application to Locality to continue the Neighbourhood Development Plan Review, including Character Assessment, Housing Needs Assessment, and design code (retrospective)
RESOLVED: Cllr Hewes proposed the application, Cllr Hillman seconded the item, and it was resolved.
FC174/23 Note the annual Community Infrastructure Levy report for submission to WLDC
Noted for submission.
FC175/23 To agree a Saxilby Waterfront Working Group request for £250 from the street maintenance budget towards a bench
RESOLVED: Cllr Hillman proposed, Cllr J Willox seconded, and it was resolved to allocate £250 from the street maintenance budget towards a bench in the Waterfront gateway area.
FC176/23 To agree a request for a bench in the play area and agree budget
RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed, Cllr Meanwell seconded, and it was resolved to purchase and install a Balmoral bench in the play area, using play area RFF funds and the remainder from the play area revenue budget.
FC177/23 Approval of notes as minutes and for the chair to sign:
a. 5 July 2023
1. Cllr Hillman proposed the 5th paragraph FC141/23 should be moved under the public participation session. This was seconded by Cllr Waller.
2. Cllr Meanwell made a counter proposal proposing that the 5th paragraph was incorrect. This was seconded by Cllr Hewes.
3. Cllr Hewes proposed to delete paragraph five from the draft minutes - “Cllr Hewes stood up from his chair and approached the chairpersons table, leaning over the table towards the chairperson. The clerk advised Cllr Hewes his conduct was not appropriate after rising from his seat. Cllr Hewes stopped, moved away agreeing it was not appropriate conduct, and apologised for his conduct.” Cllr Waller seconded.
4. Cllr J Willox made a counter proposal to accept as minutes as they were, which Cllr Hillman seconded.
RESOLVED: The first motion taken to vote was Cllr Hewes amendment to the minutes.
Cllr Hillman requested a recorded vote.
Cllr Hillman voted against, Cllr J Willox voted against, Cllr Hewes, Meanwell, and Waller voted for the approval of the minutes with Cllr Hewes’s amendment. This was resolved.
b. 6 September 2023
RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed the draft notes as minutes. This was seconded by Cllr Meanwell and resolved, with one abstention - Cllr J Willox.
FC178/23 Public Participation Session
The chair moved the public participation session before the closed session.
• A member of the public read a statement thanking the waterfront festival working group for their efforts and it was good to see the village out enjoying themselves. Only problem was cars parked on both sides of Mill Lane.
• A member of the public asked how is a councillor allowed to vote on something they are directly involved in, it shouldn‘t be allowed as there was a declaration of interest.
• A member of the public asked why are councillors behaving in a manner that they don’t want to be recorded on public minutes?
• A member of the public raised a query regarding why it’s been said that clubs can’t get a charity reduction in rates. The chair directed a response from Cllr Waller and suggested the member of the public emails in and a fuller response can be given.
• A member of the public noted a risk assessment was carried out for the Waterfront Festival and the area being used, that should be the only concern not parking on Mill Lane.
• Cllr Brockway thanked the council for the Waterfront Festival and for supporting the Christmas Lights Switch on. Cllr Brockway offered to make up the short fall from her Cllr initiative fund for the funding applied for.
20.39pm - 6 members of the public left and Cllr Brockway left.
Closed session
FC178/23 Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed to go into closed session, this was seconded by Cllr Hillman and resolved.
FC179/23 To consider fire door quotes (action in community centre fire risk assessment) and agree whether to complete those actions in this financial year or budget for 2024/25
RESOLVED: The action was agreed in principle for this financial year, with a third quote being requested to be sought and the final decision being devolved to the clerk. Cllr Hillman proposed, Cllr Waller seconded, and it was resolved.
The meeting closed at 20.49pm
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.