
MUGA Meeting St Andrews Community Centre 

25th Jan 19.00 



C.Bridge / J.Willox / Vicki Wilkinson / Ray Scott / Adi Putt / P.Hewes


1. Receive apologies

Received Cllr J Brockway


2. Receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

No declarations of interest


3. Approve the notes of the meeting of 14 December 2022

Proposed by P Hewes and approved by all present


4. Note the Terms of Reference for the group particularly item 7.9

The terms of reference were noted.


5. Receive an update on the latest public consultation comments received.

The updates were reviewed.   It was agreed to continue with consultation and in particular listing those who use it at present in terms of football and basketball.


6. To receive an update on the Football Foundation funding next steps and agree actions and timelines.

The next steps as laid out by the FF were to confirm ownership and to carry out local consultation as to who would use it and when.



The site and structures are owned by the charity with the deeds held in trust by the Parish Council.  At present presentation of the required evidence of ownership would not be possible as the land registry document is incorrect but being updated and the Fields in Trust Deed of Dedication needs to be annulled.



It may take a while for the consultation and ownership evidence to be ready.  Football usage is being collated.  Hockey use age would be tested as well as walking football. However it was acknowledged that use may follow its creation and rather than there being a ready market for it, it would require building first.  This affects the funding route.


Funding Route

The FF note that the funding available for the project is £50,000 section 106 monies.  With £18,000 WLDC MUGA money available the scheme should be tested to determine is it can be delivered within that budget. A 2G surface was considered to be required. The technical requirement and project management requirements may be less as well.  Local funding does not require a business case to use it (?)


7. To consider seeking funding from local businesses

Local funding was discussed.  None were immediately identified although it was noted that ‘financing in kind’ could be available for the fencing.


8. Agree the next meeting date.

The next meeting date was agreed as 16th Feb 19.00



1. Explore use for hockey / walking football / the school.

2. Explore additional funding routes.  PH

3. Firm up the design (Size / surface / peripherals)

4. Confirm planning requirement.

5. Draft usage management and maintenance plan / costs

6. Draft ownership/funding agreement council/charity