MUGA Working Group: 7pm, 25 May 2023
Present: Craig Bridge, Trevor Brock, Peter Hewes, Elaine Meanwell, and James Willox
Apologies: Vicki Stewart
1. Elect a Chair:
Trevor Brock nominated Craig Bridge. This was resolved.
2. Elect a Vice chair:
Trevor Brock nominated James Willox. This was resolved.
3. Apologies for absence:
Vicky Stewart. Noted.
4. Declarations of interest:
No interests were declared.
5. Approve notes of previous meeting 25 January 2023
Peter Hewes proposed the meeting notes as minutes of 25 January 2023. This was resolved.
6. Approve project plan: Working group went through the project plan step by step. James Willox proposed some items to be removed as not relevant to new proposal and for James Willox to update. This was resolved.
7. Next meeting:
Craig Bridge proposed 20th June at 7.30pm. This was resolved.
8. The Working Group resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted (quotes).
Craig Bridge proposed the meeting went into closed session. This was resolved.
9. Approve a tree work quote
A discussion was held, Craig Bridge Proposed Dan Elmhurst. This was resolved.
10. Approve an architect quote
A discussion was held. James Willox proposed LK2, with the architect to remove a reference to an overflow car park and to review costs. This was resolved with one abstention.
Meeting closed at 20:03.