
Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review 
Steering (Working) Group
Wednesday 24th April 2024 at 7pm
St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP                   



1. Welcome and Introductions.
2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
4. To approve notes of the previous Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review Steering Group meeting for 19 March 2024 and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes.
5. To receive the second draft of the Design Code document and agree feed-back.
6. To review and agree any actions on:
a. Biodiversity 
b. Current mapping
c. Heritage buildings
d. The list of community projects and assets of community value
e. Housing Need Assessment 
f. Future Public Consultation 
g. Locality Funding and next steps on the process including the review of the NDP 
       7.  Date of the next meeting