
Minutes of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review

Steering (Working) Group Tuesday 27 June 2023 at 7pm


Present; Shiela Hughes, Craig Barratt, Martin Furnish, Cllr Crump, Cllr Meanwell, Brett Fagin, Luke Brown, Cllr Hillman, Pete Crowder, Cllr Hewes    

15 Minute Public participation Session

No items were raised.


1. Welcome and Introductions.

Cllr Hillman opened the meeting

2. To elect a Chair for the meeting.

Cllr Hillman proposed Pete Crowder. This was resolved.

3. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.

None received.

4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None declared.

5. To approve notes of the 23 May 2023 Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan

Review Steering Group and the chairman to sign them as agreed minutes. A correction was added that ‘Shiela Hughes and Pete Crowder gave their apologies.’ Shiela Hughes proposed the updated notes as minutes for 23 May 2023. This was resolved.

6. To consider and agree a policy on the environment and climate change.

Pete Crowder asked for clarification of who the policy was for. Luke confirmed that the policy was for everyone, that the policy must be written in a certain way, and that two separate policies would be easier for everyone to read. Luke proposed a climate change policy and biodiversity policy and to circulate to the group the Carbon Footprint Report: Saxilby with Ingleby Civil Parish. This was resolved.

7. To consider a policy for new buildings.

AECOM has been overwhelmed with requests for housing needs assessments and character assessments. Defer to the next meeting when the next locality funding has been successful.

8. To compile a list of buildings of notes within the parish and are any actions.

Current buildings of note need to be revised along with some additions. There needs to be a reason why they are buildings of note in the plan. Cllr Hillman proposed that Luke Brown shared an example template to be circulated so group members could start to look at it. This was resolved.

9. To discuss and agree policy work stream leads.

Climate Change - Pete Crowder

Biodiversity - Pete Crowder

Housing Needs- Brett Fagin and Laura

Buildings of note- Martin Furnish, Cllr Meanwell and Cllr Hillman

Transport- Luke Brown and Craig Barrett

Footpaths- Shiela Hughes and Cllr Hewes

Public Transport- Cllr Hewes and Cllr Crump

Cllr Crump proposed the work stream leads.

This was resolved.


To receive updates on:

10. A meeting with Anglian Water.

A meeting for July has been agreed. Pete Crowder has been nominated from the group   and he has sent some questions to Cllr Hillman to collate. If anyone else has questions   they are welcome to forward them on.

11. Design Codes

An example of design codes has been circulated with the agenda prior to the meeting.

12. Mill Lane/A57 Junction capacity.

This study was completed by WLDC and circulated to the group with the agenda.

13. The roadmap for the review of the plan

To be resent with the minutes.

14. A WhatsApp Group for communication

As discussed, and agreed at the last meeting, a WhatsApp Group is to be set up once Terms of Reference have been agreed.

Cllr Hewes raised the issue of Terms of Reference. It was not an agenda item so it was not discussed.

15. Date of the next meeting.

25th July 2023 at 19:00.


Meeting closed at 20:39