
Planning and Development 

Committee Agenda

6.45pm Wednesday 22 January 2025 

Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby, LN1 2LP.



1. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence

2. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider granting dispensation requests 

3. 15 Minute Public Participation Session with respect of business on the agenda only

To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of the public on items on the agenda

No discussion or debate will take place on any representation or statement made. Committee may discuss the comments when it formally considers that item of business, debates the matter, and makes a decision on the matter. Three minutes per member of public or organisation. Please refer to full guidance on public participation at: 

4. Approve planning and development committee meeting notes as minutes for 18 December 2024


Preserve and enhance heritage assets, environmental assets and wildlife/biodiversity 

5. Agree to develop a biodiversity policy and action plan working with the NDP bio-diversity/climate lead

6. Agree for appropriate areas of land in the parish to be managed to develop biodiversity corridors (‘no mow’)

7. Agree to request hedgehog signs to be installed on Mill Lane


Maintain and improve community facilities and amenities 

8. Note correspondence from Lincolnshire County Council regarding installing bus stop posts for Mill Lane and agree to consult with residents and respond


To note updates and agree actions in supporting papers:

9. Meeting action log 

10. NDP Review 

11. NDP Project 3.1 Saxilby and District Multi-Use Games Area

12. NDP Project 4.0 Saxilby Waterfront Working Group including a) To note response from MP Sir Edward Leigh regarding the pipe bridge and b) To receive the mosaic project plan

13. Retail Grant Project

14. Receive Lincolnshire Reservoir Phase Two Consultation Feedback Summary

15. Recent flooding in the parish


Respond to planning consultations in-line with the NDP, to meet the needs of the community and addressing any transport impacts 


To consider and agree planning consultee responses to the following planning applications:

16. WL/2024/01036 Proposed extensions and alterations to dwelling. 6 William Street, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LP

17. WL/2024/01046 Planning application to demolish existing open sided 'Dutch Barn', Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL

18. WL/2024/01048 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00774) Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 5no. dwellinghouses. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL

19. WL/2024/01050 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00775) Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1no. dwellinghouse. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln NG23 7EL

20. WL/2024/01051 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00777) Prior Approval Change of Use. Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 4no. dwelling houses. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL


Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

17 January 2025