Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes
18:45pm Wednesday 22 January 2025
Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby, LN1 2LP.
Members Present
Cllrs Barratt, Hillman (committee chair), Hughes, Saunders, Waller, I Willox, and J Willox.
Members Absent
Cllrs Crump
Non-Committee Members present
Cllrs Bridge and Shepherd
In Attendance
Zarina Belk, Assistant Parish Clerk
Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk
P25/001 1. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.
No apologies received.
18:47 Cllr Shepherd and a member of the public arrived.
P25/002 2. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None received.
P25/003 3. 15 Minute Public Participation Session with respect of business on the agenda only. To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of public.
A member of the public spoke regarding the issues they are having on Mill Lane regarding PC Coaches and anti-social behaviour by the school children. Also, the bus is not stopping at the bus stop and causing traffic problems blocking driveways.
P25/004 4. Approve planning committee meeting notes as minutes for 18 December 2024
Having been proposed (Cllr Saunders) and seconded (Cllr I Willox) it was RESOLVED to:
Approve the planning committee meeting notes as minutes for 18 December 2024 as minutes.
Preserve and enhance heritage assets, environmental assets and wildlife/biodiversity
P25/005 5. Agree to develop a biodiversity policy and action plan working with the NDP bio-diversity/climate lead
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Saunders), it was RESOLVED to:
Agree to have an informal meeting to review the paper and put more detail in it and to bring it back to March meeting.
P25/0064 6. Agree for appropriate areas of land in the parish to be managed to develop biodiversity corridors (‘no mow’)
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Saunders), it was RESOLVED to:
Include this in the informal meeting so that it can be discussed in more detail. Email to be sent to all councillors to request their attendance at the meeting.
P25/007 7. Agree to request hedgehog signs to be installed on Mill Lane
Deferred to next month for more information. Regarding price and location of signs. Comms to do posts in the meantime.
Maintain and improve community facilities and amenities
P25/008 8. Note correspondence from Lincolnshire County Council regarding installing bus stop posts for Mill Lane and agree to consult with residents and respond
A member of the public spoke on the issues. They were provided with advice regarding anti-social behavior.
19:38 Cllr Bridge arrived
Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr I Willox), it was RESOLVED to:
To support the Lincolnshire County Council recommendation to install bus stop poles, in-line with council objectives and to engage with local residents and for the admin officers to feedback any comments to the committee and Lincolnshire County Council.
To note updates and agree any actions required:
P25/009 9 Meeting action log
P25/010 10. NDP Review Working Group
P25/011 11.NDP Project 3.1 Saxilby and District Multi-Use Games Area, including project list
P25/012 12. NDP Project 4.0 Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Cllr J Willox), it was RESOLVED with 2 abstentions to:
Receive the update and agree the actions below:
Information boards: Masterplan and Project Plan item 6.13
Letters have been sent to statutory organisations requesting financial support for the new boards. If there is no response, there will be an appeal to local organisations.
The History Group have agreed to work with SWWG on the content for the new information boards.
Noticeboard Masterplan and Project Plan item 6.4
The layout for the information board will be in place by March 2025.
Heritage Lighting: Masterplan and Project item Plan 6.4
Support to have the current lighting replaced with heritage lighting has been received from Heritage England and West Lindsey District Council’s Conservation Officer. The next step is a letter to LCC to request the replacement of the current lighting with heritage lighting due to the conservation area status being in place when the current modern lighting was installed.
Project Plan
An exit strategy is in place with three actions to be in place by March 2025 - storage room, conservation leaflet, and noticeboard.
The public facilities, as a capital expenditure project, is under Planning and Development Committee to move forward.
Heritage lighting, information boards and repainting of the water pipe bridge are outstanding.
P25/013 13. Retail Grant Project
Deferred, due to time constraints – add to next agenda.
P25/014 14. Receive Lincolnshire Reservoir Phase Two Consultation Feedback Summary
Deferred, due to time constraints – add to next agenda.
P25/015 15. Recent flooding in the parish
Deferred, due to time constraints – add to next agenda.
Respond to planning consultations in-line with the NDP, to meet the needs of the community and addressing any transport impacts
To consider and agree planning consultee responses to the following planning applications:
P25/016 16. WL/2024/01036 Proposed extensions and alterations to dwelling. 6 William Street, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LP
No comments.
P25/017 17. WL/2024/01046 Planning application to demolish existing open sided 'Dutch Barn', Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was resolved to seek clarification as to why there are three separate planning applications instead of one for the same location. Committee wish to raise concern about the proposed traffic movement in and out of the site.
P25/018 18. WL/2024/01048 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00774) Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 5no. dwellinghouses. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was resolved to seek clarification as to why there are three separate planning applications instead of one for the same location. Committee wish to raise concern about the proposed traffic movement in land out of the site.
P25/019 19. WL/2024/01050 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00775) Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1no. dwellinghouse. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln NG23 7EL
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was resolved to seek clarification as to why there are three separate planning applications instead of one for the same location. Committee wish to raise concern about the proposed traffic movement in land out of the site.
P25/020 20. WL/2024/01051 (Initial Reference PP/2024/00777) Prior Approval Change of Use. Prior Approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 4no. dwellinghouses. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Lincoln, NG23 7EL
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was resolved to seek clarification as to why there are three separate planning applications instead of one for the same location. Committee wish to raise concern about the proposed traffic movement in land out of the site.
The meeting closed at 19:58 pm.
Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council until they are approved and signed.