
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 7.15pm at

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), I Willox, J Willox, and Waller


Members Absent

Cllrs Crump, Spurr and Meanwell 


Non-Committee Members Present

Cllr Hewes 


In Attendance

Zarina Belk, Assistant Parish Clerk


Public Participation Session 

A non-committee member raised a query noting they felt the 15 minutes should be within the meeting. Cllr Willox suggested that we let the officers deal with these matters.


19:57 Cllr Hewes left the meeting.


Issue with drains on Field Avenue has been reported on Fix my Street and it is Lindum’s responsibility.


P23/091 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Crump, Spurr, and Meanwell. These were noted and accepted.


P23/092 Receive declarations of interest (Localism Act 2011)

None received.


P23/093 Approve the notes of the 17 May 2023 planning committee meeting and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes.

RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed the minutes. They were resolved. 


Note the following items and agree actions:


P23/094 Meeting action log  

Noted. The chair thanked officers for their hard work.


P23/095 Application 146732 Erect a bay window to replace garage door. 2 Field Avenue, Saxilby

The council would like to express their concerns regarding the loss of car parking. And more parking on the pavement and road. 


P23/096 Application 146667 Change of use from food and drink establishment to a beauty salon/aesthetics clinic. 26a Bridge Street Saxilby 

A proposal for the development of new small-scale businesses and for the expansion or diversification of existing businesses is supported providing that the business preserves has no negative visual impact or affects the character and appearance of the conservation area. 


Car parking can be an issue along Bridge Street.


Supported by:

Policy 8: Small Scale Businesses Development

A) Any alterations to any existing buildings reflect the local identity and history.

Policy 5: Protecting the Historic Environment

Policy 17: Traffic and movement around the village


P23/097 Application 146730 Removal of existing hedge and erection of 1.95m close board fence. 9 Millfield Avenue Saxilby

Work has already been started with the removal of 22 metre hedge in nesting season.

Front gardens are the main source of greenery to the street scene.  Such greenery raises the quality of the environment. Loss of front gardens with harsh boundary treatments can result in weakening the character of the area and can be particularly detrimental visually.

Strongly opposes boarding fence as per Character Assessment. A preferred option is to replace with a hedge as per NDP Policy 11.


Please note that any fencing should have hedgehog highways.


Policy 11: Minimising the impact of development on the natural environment

C) The use of boundary treatments that are sympathetic to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity on new or existing developments will be encouraged and supported.


Character Area F

Front Gardens paragraph 6.18


P23/098 Application 146771 Erect manufacturing building and detached office building. Site H, Enterprise West Lindsey Skellingthorpe Road Saxilby Lincoln 2LR

The council support this development as per Policy 7 in the NDP.

Must provide or contribute to the provision of walking and cycling routes to the village. Provide a cycle to work scheme.

Concerns about the speed of traffic especially large lorries along Skellingthorpe Road and at the junction A57/Skellingthorpe Road. The cycle/footpath has not been completed and needs to be as a priority for the safety of employees.


Policy 7: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks

Paragraph 4


Policy 17: Traffic and Movement around the village


Is there any disabled access cannot see any regarding fire escape and spiral staircase.


National Infrastructure 


P23/099 Note the government’s selection of the West Burton site for a Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) Fusion Plant 



P23/100 Note the impending application by Luminous Energy for a 160-acre solar estate at Stow Park and agree next steps.

Noted, no further steps agreed.


Local Items


P23/101 Agree actions regarding damage to boundary hedging on Westcroft Green Space by residents on the Taylor Wimpey estate

RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed to check planning conditions affecting the public path and hedge to see if planning permissions have been breached. And to ask the planning authority for boundary and master plan maps.  This was resolved.


P23/102 Agree actions regarding anti-social behaviour being reported around the LACE housing site, Navigation Court 

Defer to Full Council.


P23/103 Agree a request for a (remembrance) bench to be installed on the Lovells Ingleby View Estate 

Guide them to Lovells as this is not the council’s land.


P23/104 Agree councillors to attend planning training 

Councillors to let clerk know what training dates they can do and training to be booked.


P23/105 Agree Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report to submit to West Lindsey District Council 

Crossed off as it was on Finance committee agenda.


P23/106 Consider a payment to reimburse expenses for plants/flowers on Saxilby Waterfront and agree budget(s)



P23/107 Agree to arrange a meeting with local organisations to consider any missing footpaths which require registering as a historic right of way and to submit the information 

Defer until we get more information.


P23/108 Agree actions to become a hedgehog parish 

proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.

RESOLVED: Cllr Hillman proposed to email all councillors asking if anyone will arrange a group meeting with school and library ask them to lead and co-ordinate the group. It was resolved.


To receive updates on the: 


P23/109 Anglian Water meeting request regarding concerns raised in relation to the sewerage treatment plant, agreeing a committee member and a steering group member to attend 

A meeting has been arranged for 18 July.


P23/110 Taylor Wimpey Saxilby Heights site meeting and update on estate footpath connection to Westcroft Green (including removal of a section of hedge – as per planning permission



P23/111 NDP review group 



P23/112 Waterfront working group (NDP project 4.0)



P23/113 Waterfront festival 



P23/114 Refurbishment of footbridge, ramp, and steps (NDP project 4.0)



P23/115 MUGA (NDP project 3.1)

RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed the quotes considered by the MUGA working group for an architect go to full council to ratify. This was resolved. 


P23/116 LCC cycle path connection between Lincoln and Saxilby (NDP project 1.4)

No update.


P23/117 CLOSED SESSION – Committee agreed to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transact 

RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr J Willox to go into closed session. It was resolved.


P23/118 Update on Northfield Rise land and agree any actions. 

A letter has been sent out to the party.


The meeting closed at 21:29pm.


Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council.