
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group Meeting

Thursday 16 February 2023

Present: Jane Kay, Shiela Hughes, Danny Johnson, Cllr Hillman


Public Question time

No members of the public present



1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting. 

Apologies : Jenny Clark, Alexia Harrison

2.To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act

None declared

3.To approve the notes of the 26 January as minutes of the meeting

Shiela Hughes proposed, and it was resolved. 

4.To discuss the flood wall in line with the community consultation and the master plan.


5. To give feedback from a recent fund-raising event.

Total raised was £161. Card reader needed for future events. She Hughes proposed and it was resolved that there should be prizes for children such as lollipops.

6. To discuss and agree the updated Terms of Reference

To be deferred

7. To note an update on the:

a. Memory Tree

Waiting to arrange a site meeting with the sculptor.

b. Grants for completion of the project

A new WLDC grant scheme replaces match funding and will start in April 

c. Saxilby cycle path connection 

Sustrans have made progress with the proposed cycle path from Saxilby to Torksey.

the old railway line cannot be used but there is a proposal of three phases, depend-ing on land ownership.

d. Actions for the damaged beech hedge

Jane Kay proposed a fence to protect the hedge and this was resolved. 

e. Refurbishment of the Waterfront facilities including a project plan and agree any actions.

Cllr Hillman to share the architect’s plans at the next meeting. The project plan is progressing and a request for historical information of the outbuildings has been made.

f. Feedback from the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group 2023

In the process of getting sponsors and the road closure in place.

g. Planters along Bridge Street (Jenny Clarke)


8 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Proposed by Shiela Hughes and resolved.

9. To agree a quote for the new bus shelter on Queensway and recommend to Full Council.

Jane Kay proposed, and it was resolved to make the recommendations to full coun-cil.

10. To agree the date of the next meeting 

To be confirmed and the same night as the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group


The meeting finished at 8.05.