
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group

 Thursday 6 July at 8pm-9pm

St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP


15 Minute Public Participation Session

Three minutes per member of the public or organisation. When members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council. Those items not on the agenda 

will not be decided but referred, if appropriate, to the next meeting.




1. Welcome and Introduction

2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

4. To approve notes of the 8 June 2023 and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes 

5. To discuss and agree actions for the volunteer days

6. To discuss and agree actions prior to funding applications for the Waterfront public facilities 

7. To consider recommending to full council, via planning committee, a request to paint the Saxilby Waterfront Facilities (public toilets and sluice) as an interim measure prior to the re-furbishment, including the clerk seeking any relevant permissions to undertake the work  

8. To discuss and agree any actions for the memory branch installation 

9. To discuss and agree to request a Waterfront Planting Budget for 2024/25 

10. To discuss a proposal to renovate the flower bed around the Mill Lane/A57 village sign and agree recommendations for full council consideration via the planning committee 

11. To consider recommending to full council, via planning committee, a bench design for the top towpath and recommended budget allocation 

12. To consider recommending to full council, via planning committee, a request to pressure wash the Environment Agency’s flood wall 

13. To consider recommending to planning committee the removal of some paving slabs on the grass verge along Bridge Street 

14. To consider the current terms of reference for the working group and make recommenda-tions to planning committee for consideration  

To receive updates and agree any actions on:

15. Saxilby Waterfront Working Group budget

16. To receive feedback from the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group 

17. Refurbishment of the mosaic 

18. Tree planting along Bridge Street  

19. The Waterfront notice board  

20. To agree a date for the next meeting