
7pm-9pm Thursday 18 July 2024 
St Andrews Community Centre,
 William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP


1. Welcome and introduction
2. Receive apologies for absence
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Approve notes of 13 June 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign 
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
i. Shoal of fish project and relocation site
ii. Mosaic location and next steps
iii. Benches for the top towpath
iv. Painting of the BT boxes on Bridge Street
v. Proposed new fencing for the beech hedge to be completed in the Autumn
vi. Fundraising activities and attendance at local events:
a) Family Fun Day
b) Let’s Fish
c) Waterfront Music Festival
vii. Budget update
viii. Heritage lighting
ix. Flowerbed on Mill Lane/Queensway
x. Information boards on the Waterfront
xi. Photo project for the regeneration
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the Planning & Development Committee regard-ing: 
i. Wildflower path costs and reimbursement from CRT
ii. Request for the History Group bench to be treated with teak oil by grounds
iii. Grant applications
iv. Volunteer Partnership Application with CRT
v. Memory branch donation and plaque
7. Date of next meeting