Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
7pm-9pm Thursday 18 July 2024
St Andrews Community Centre,
William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP
Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke, Chris Hailes, Cllr Hillman (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Jane Kay, and Laura Thompson (Administration Officer)
1. Welcome and introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies for absence
None received.
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
4. Approve notes of 13 June 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the minutes of 13 June 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
i. Shoal of fish project and relocation site
Due to licensing issues, it has been discussed that the shoal of fish installation could be moved to the far side of the canal bank.
The parish clerk has requested a mocked-up design from the sculptor, and once this is received then planning permission/artwork license will need to be requested from CRT.
ii. Mosaic location and next steps
Feedback from Daniel Baines (Co-op Property Surveyor) shared. It seems likely that planning permission will be required for installation of the mosaic in the agreed location.
Designs and quotations will be required from building companies in order to progress this. Zoo Ceramics may be able to advise on the size, pitch and so on required for the plinth.
Foss Focus article discussed in order to share plans with residents.
iii. Benches for the top towpath
Grounds have assessed locations for new benches on the top towpath.
iv. Painting of the BT boxes on Bridge Street
The boxes are not owned by BT so they cannot grant permission to paint. It is likely that they belong to Virgin.
v. Proposed new fencing for the beech hedge to be completed in the Autumn
Height and cutting of the beech hedge to be assessed on the next volunteer day (3 August).
Further discussion deferred to next meeting.
vi. Fundraising activities and attendance at local events:
a) Family Fun Day
The main aim will be to fundraise for the waterfront and to recruit volunteers.
Fundraising activities will include:
Water & Wine table
Hook a duck
Splat the rat
Bean bag target throwing
Water pistol duck races
An additional pitch will be required for the games.
Volunteer sign up sheets and an information display will be needed.
Six people will be required to man the stand in shifts, from the working group and volunteer group.
b) Let’s Fish
Fishing event has been cancelled by LDAA. A meeting is scheduled with LDAA next week to discuss further opportunities to work together.
c) Waterfront Music Festival
Event capacity may be an issue following recent concerns raised regarding the Old Road area over the footbridge. Alternative fund-raising activities discussed both away from, and in the waterfront area.
vii. Budget update
viii. Heritage lighting
Freedom of Information request from LCC shows that current lamp posts were installed in 1990, after Bridge Street was designated as a conservation area in 1989. There is no record of the previous lamp posts that were replaced in 1990.
ix. Flowerbed on Mill Lane/Queensway
Due to issues gaining permission from LCC, the group have reconsidered movement of the flowerbed and would like to tidy and replant the current flowerbed at the bottom of the village sign.
x. Information boards on the Waterfront
Laura Thompson will collate information received so far on the board replacements, and circulate to the group.
xi. Photo project for the regeneration
A local photographer has been contacted and is happy to work with the group to take photographs of the waterfront. The group will invite him to the next volunteer morning to discuss further.
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the Planning & Development Committee regarding:
i. Wildflower path costs and reimbursement from CRT
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Jane Kay), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to Planning & Development Committee that CRT are asked to reimburse the cost of reseeding the wildflower path (£75.99).
ii. Request for the History Group bench to be treated with teak oil by grounds
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
That the bench will be cleaned by volunteers, and to request that it is then treated by grounds as part of their winter work.
iii. Grant applications
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to Planning & Development Committee that One Stop funding is applied for, and that funding for land by railways is investigated.
iv. Volunteer Partnership Application with CRT
v. Memory branch donation and plaque
Having been proposed (Jenny Clarke) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to Planning & Development Committee that a donation for £130 is accepted for an inscription on the memory branch, and an interpretation plaque.
7. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 20.46.