Pavilion Bar

Hiring the bar area

The bar area is available to hire on an hourly basis in the community centre. Hire rates for this can be found under the community centre room hire page in this section. 



The Pavilion Bar closed following the fire at the community centre in May 2020. The big community survey took place at the start of 2020 to find out residents views of what council services and facilities were important or unimportant to them to help shape service provision. A majority of 60% of respondents felt the Pavilion Bar was important.

Due to the financial risk to the council and the public purse to re-open the bar, the council agreed to seek to outsource the bar and explore all options from a commercially run to a community led enterprise. As part of this process, a more detailed piece of community consultation took place to find out residents and service users views on the bar and whether they would like to be involved in setting up a community run facility. The results of this and the big community survey are available on the consultation page on the website. 

Outsourcing the bar reached the point of a tender document being drafted by council.

The outsourcing process remains on pause due to the council needing a lease from the Recreation Ground Charity, whose land the building sits on, before the pavilion bar can be sub-let .This process remains on-going with the charity in order to complete the legal process for this to be put in place, which due to the council also being a custodian trustee of the charity, requires Charity Commission permission.